2024 Labiaplasty In Istanbul, Turkey

Last Updated: April 05, 2024

Labiaplasty (Labium aesthetic – interventions made to the large and small lips)

The correction of the small lips taking place in the inner part is called labiaplasty to correct these structures in the vagina structure.

Is Labiaplasty dangerous? with the application of such methods used in the improvement of the qualities of the large lip (labia minora) and small lip (labia majora) located at the entrance of the vagina, it is possible to complete the treatment opportunities in a healthy way here in Istanbul, Turkey with no complications.

By means of this method, which can be applied to anyone over the age of 18, it is possible to restore the small lip structure taking place in the lower part of the large lip. At the same time, with the application of such methods, a better quality sexual conjunction can be possible. Today, it is seen that such methods are applied in the treatment phase.

What is labiaplasty surgery?

Anatomically, the labia majors are not seen when viewed from the outside, as they cover the labia minora known as the small lip. There are two labia minora. It joins in a pleated form by folding over the clitoris. In labia, prolapses and enlargements occur due for various reasons. To correct this, labiaplasty surgery is performed.

What is the inner lip aesthetic?

If we will explain it simply, the surgical correction of the labia major, that is, the inner lip, which is found under the labia major, that is the outer lips, is called labiaplasty. The labia minora do not contain fat and pilar cells. It is taken place just inside the labia majora. Therefore, it is not seen when viewed from the outside. They are rich in terms of the blood vessels and constantly moist in consideration of the structure.

The labium is the structure that lies between the large lips in the form of thin skin folds. It covers the clitoris by converging at the midline. It consists of moist skin called the mucosa. It stays under the outer lips. Its task is to keep the organ moist and protect it from external factors. The labium wears out over time or grows too large. In such cases, labiaplasty surgery is performed.

Why is the labiaplasty applied?

Labiaplasty surgery becomes a mandatory treatment in cases where the excessive growth of the labia minora causes asymmetry, recurrent infections, painful sexual intercourse, and restrictions in movements. Normally, the outer lips completely cover the inner lips. However, the problems such as prolapse of the inner lips and inability to fully close the outer lips occur due to the factors such as pregnancy and pregnancy traumas, sudden changes in the hormones due to puberty and menopause, or rapid weight gain and loss. Or, even if none of these factors are present, prolapses can occur due to aging.

Whatever the reason, these prolapses can lead to a loss of self-confidence in people due to the unpleasant appearance that occurs when they exceed normal sizes. It cannot always have a medical necessity, but it negatively affects the lives of the people who have this problem.

To whom the labiaplasty can be applied?

Any woman, who has completed puberty or is over the age of 18 and is faced with the prolapse of the inner lip and has problems depending on this, can have it done. People who are entered the menopause period or are virgins can also have this surgery done. If labia minora prolapses have become a serious situation that will adversely affect the quality of life, it is decided that it is medically necessary.

If there is no obstacle in terms of the surgery, every woman can undergo this operation after getting the approval of her physician. Although such problems usually occur after the pregnancy, they can also occur in people who have never given pregnancy or in virgins. These people can request this surgery to avoid a lack of self-confidence.

Is labiaplasty in Istanbul, Turkey expensive?

It becomes clear, after the procedures to be performed are determined according to the anatomy and needs of the person. But many people would ask, how much is a labiaplasty surger in Istanbul, Turkey? It can vary between $2500 and $3000 on average. In addition, the procedures can be performed with local or sedation anesthesia, which can change the price a little.

How and where is the labiaplasty in Istanbul, Turkey performed?

This surgery performed on the genital organ is an operation where sterility is very important. Therefore, it should be performed by specialist physicians in sterile environments such as hospitals or clinics. First of all, it is decided whether you are a suitable candidate. If the physician decides that you are a suitable candidate as a result of the evaluation, he or she first informs you about the details of the procedure, those required to be done after the operation, and the image you will get.

This procedure can be applied under local or sedation anesthesia. The duration of the operation can vary. But, it generally takes between 30 and 60 minutes. There is no possibility to feel pain during the procedure where anesthesia is applied.

The disorder known as inner lip prolapse causes many problems in women. These problems can affect both their daily lives and their sexual lives and cause self-confidence problems related to them. The labia minora is normally required to remain within the outer lips. But, there can be outward prolapses due to some factors.

What are the reasons for labiaplasty?

There are many reasons for this surgery to be performed. But, the most commonly encountered reason for labiaplasty is the prolapse of labia minora. Moreover, it can also be done due to the symmetry problems occurring between the two lips.

What are the labiaplasty methods with Dr. Burcu?

There are surgical methods such as V plasty, curvilinear amputation (partial resection), Wedge resection, labiaplasty with the laser, Z plasty, Delamination technique, and Yıldız labiaplasty.

Labiaplasty surgery in Istanbul, Turkey prices 2024

The most important factor affecting the surgery prices is the amount of enlargement and prolapse of the labia minora.

To find more about the cost of Labiaplasty and Genital Aesthetics Operations, kindly contact us.

The greater the amount of prolapse, the higher the price of the surgery, in some patients, while only making the prolapse treatment is sufficient, in other patients, taking the excess skin found on the clitoris can need to be removed besides the labiaplasty. Or, a vaginoplasty operation can be requested together with the labioplasty. The prices can vary depending on the operations performed.

Which is the best technique?

The best and most preferred labiaplasty technique is the Eserdag Barbie vagina technique.

Can it be done to the virgins too?

Since the hymen is 3-4 cm inside the surgery area, not any harm occurs.

Who should perform the surgery?

It should be done by specialist physicians in sterile environments, like Dr. Burcu at her clinic in Istanbul, Turkey.

What waits for you after the labiaplasty?

There can be minor leaks in the postoperative area. Hemorrhage is not seen as very common. In the first days, a small tenderness and swelling can occur in the surgery area. It is recommended that you follow the recommendations of your doctor for this swelling. The sutures put are aesthetic sutures; they fall off or are absorbed within a maximum of two weeks. Against the possible pain after the operation, the treatment is taken under the supervision of the physician. There is no harm in returning to work within 1-2 days after the procedure.

It takes about 30 days for the wound to heal completely. In this process, hygiene is very important in terms of preventing the wound from becoming infected. During the healing process, it is necessary to pay attention to hygiene and the recommendations that your doctor gave. In this process, the dressings should be done without interruption.

It should be avoided from the movements and situations that will force the area. During this period, public places such as baths and jacuzzis should be avoided against the risk of infection. But, you can take a shower after the first day. Sexual intercourse is not allowed until full recovery. In the same way, it is necessary to avoid the things that will damage such as waxing before the healing is completed.

There are two types of labiaplasty methods. One of them is natural-looking and the other is the Barbie vagina method. Although some patients prefer the natural-looking method, the majority prefer the Barbie vagina method.

What is the Barbie vagina method?

The method of shortening the inner lips as much as possible is called Eserdag Barbie vagina. This method was first discovered by the Los Angeles society in the USA. In this application, a lot of tissue is removed from the inner lips. The skin on the clitoris is reduced as much as possible.

As a matter of fact, a sexier appearance is obtained by making a fat injection into the labia majora. Today, the vast majority of people who are considering labiaplasty choose the Eserdag Barbie method.

What is clitoral hoodoplasty?

The skin covering the clitoris is called the clitoral hud. Clitoral hoodoplasty is an operation performed to remove the skin folds and wrinkles on the clitoris. It is known as clitoris aesthetic colloquially.

What kind of negativities can be encountered by those who get the labiaplasty done in Istanbul, Turkey?

Hemorrhage can occur in patients after the operation, even if it is rare. This is a serious situation. Emergency intervention can be required. Apart from this, it can have effects such as restriction in movements, various pains, swelling, and itching.

Is it necessary to stay in the hospital after the surgery?

There is not much effect seen after the labiaplasty surgery in Istanbul, Turkey, which is a simple operation. Therefore, there is usually no need for hospitalization. However, in some special cases, hospitalization can be required by Dr. Burcu.

Does it affect the sexual pleasure?

This operation does not have any negative effects on the subject of sexual pleasure. It even allows people to have self-confidence as a result of removing excess tissues and obtaining a beautiful image. Therefore, labiaplasty positively affects sexual pleasure.

Contact us now to find out more about Labiaplasty in Istanbul, Turkey.