2024 Abortion In Istanbul, Turkey

Last Updated: April 05, 2024

Abortion (pregnancy termination) in Istanbul, Turkey 2024

Find out more about the cost, price, process, and the time for an abortion or a pregnancy termination in Istanbul, Turkey in 2024 now.

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Today, it is possible to terminate the pregnancy (abortion) early in Istanbul, Turkey, with the abortion method used during the pregnancy. At the same time, it is possible to terminate unwanted pregnancies with the application of this method. Today, this treatment method can be applied to patients in some cases during pregnancy, by taking into account the health of the mother with the help of Dr. Burcu.

In which situations the abortion is performed in Istanbul, Turkey in 2024?            

Abortion or Pregnancy Termination can be performed up to the 10th week of the pregnancy here in Istanbul, Turkey. In addition, the fact that the patients are over the age of 18 allows them to give approval for such procedures with their own consent. Apart from this, the consent of the spouses is required to be obtained, especially during the application of such procedures for married persons.

These rules are applied here in Istanbul, Turkey in 2024 for Abortions and Pregnancy Terminations.

How is the abortion performed in Istanbul, Turkey with Dr. Burcu?

Today, in Istanbul, Turkey the vacuum method is at the forefront among such methods. In this method, the patient is ensured to be treated by extracting the fetus with a vacuum for the pregnancy. With this method, which is among the healthiest and simplest methods, it is possible for the patient to be treated safely. It is one of the most preferred methods today.

Vacuum extraction 

The patient’s treatment is ensured through a thin channel with the application of this method, which gives successful results, especially in the first stages of the pregnancy. It is possible to complete the treatment of the patient in a healthy way, with the application of this method, which is the simplest and easiest to be applied.

Dr. Burcu is here at all times to give you support and insure a successful and healthy operation for all her patients.

How many weeks is the legal period for an abortion?

There is a legal time limit for such surgeries like pregnancy termination in Istanbul, Turkey. Basically, it is possible to legally terminate the pregnancy with such surgeries until the pregnancy is at most 10 weeks. Apart from the laws, it is not possible to apply such methods after the 10th week. At the same time, this period is required not to be exceeded for moral reasons related to the fetus.

How long does the abortion take?

It is usually possible to treat patients in a short time during the treatment phase with the application of abortion (pregnancy termination), which is a simple procedure. At the same time, it is seen that people prefer the vacuum method since the possibility of treatment shows up within 10 minutes with the fulfillment of such procedures.

Those the patient should pay attention to and do before the abortion (pregnancy termination) in Istanbul, Turkey

Before this procedure, vaginal cleaning of the patient is required to be performed. Apart from this, it has been also a place for the patient to share the drugs she uses with her doctor and at the same time to carry out the necessary examinations. Today, it is possible for patients to obtain more successful results by performing such applications. At the same time, doctor control is essential during the treatment of the patients.

What should be done and what should be paid attention to after an abortion?

Generally, the patient is required to be kept under observation for a while after the procedure is performed with the vacuum method. At the end of the procedure, it is also required to be determined whether the patient has vaginal bleeding. Therefore, the patient is required to be kept under observation for a certain period of time after the procedure.

Dr. Burcu also gives all the treatment and advices needed to follow after such surgery.

How long is the abortion period?

Although it varies according to the laws of each country, optional termination of the pregnancy, that is, abortion can be legally performed up to 10 weeks in our country. After the 10th week, it is strictly prohibited in our country to perform voluntary procedures.

Is Pregnancy Termination (Abortion) prohibited in Istanbul, Turkey in 2024?

Some may ask, Is abortion or pregnancy termination legal in Istanbul, Turkey in 2024?

We are here to tell them that Abortion (Pregnancy Termination) in 2024 is not prohibited in our country. But there are certain rules. When done on demand, the legal limit is 10 weeks and if the couples are married, both spouses should consent on this issue.

When is it done during the pregnancy?

The pregnancy should reach a size that can be seen on ultrasound in order for curettage to be performed. The pregnancy can be terminated voluntarily within the legal limit of 10 weeks from the moment it is seen.

Abortion prices 2024 in Istanbul, Turkey

Pregnancy Termination (Abortion) cost in Istanbul, Turkey is set at our clinic for all of our patients.

Contact us for more information and an online consultation now.

The abortion prices start at $1250 on average in our clinic in Istanbul, Turkey in 2024. The procedure cost can vary depending on the factors such as the type of anesthesia to be applied, multiple pregnancies, cyst-like formations, and gestational week.

Although it is applied within the legal limits, abortion prices take place at reasonable levels that people can reach today. Apart from this, with the emergence of such applications and the spread of the treatment methods at the same time, the prices can decrease to lower levels.

The procedure price can vary depending on various factors. The type of anesthesia to be applied, multiple pregnancies, cyst-like formations, and can cause an increase in the prices.

What time does the abortion end?

The procedure time varies between 5 and 10 minutes and after that the pregnancy is terminated and the patients can go back to their normal lives.

Is Abortion or Pregnancy Termination necessary after a miscarriage?

If the miscarriage is called a complete miscarriage, then the patient does not need such procedures. In addition, if there is a half miscarriage and problems occur in the uterus of the patient, in this case, the patient is required to be treated. Today, while such methods are not preferred for a complete miscarriage, the final decision can be made by looking at whether there are any pieces left in the uterus.

Abortion reasons apart from the pregnancy termination

This method can also be applied other than pregnancy termination. It is especially needed during the cleaning of the parts remaining in the uterus. In addition, in cases where various problems occur in the fetus and the fetus needs to be removed, termination procedures are required to be completed. Today, it is seen that such methods are used to protect maternal health.

Does infertility happen after abortion?

After the treatment that was made with this method, infertility problems do not occur. Therefore, it is possible for the patients to apply this method reliably for the required situations. At the same time, a healthy uterus structure emerges, with the application of such methods, which are needed during the treatment of the patients.

The Situations in which abortion (pregnancy termination) should not be done 

If the gestation period exceeds 10 weeks, then the patients should not do it. Again, the patients using various blood thinners are not required to apply such treatments. Today, it is necessary to act according to legal regulations, with the emergence of such practices.

Is anesthesia safe during abortion (pregnancy termination) in Istanbul, Turkey 2024?

It is possible to complete the treatment of the patients in a healthy way with anesthesia put out. Anesthesia applications usually come to the fore as successful applications. Apart from this, in abortion applications, it is possible to make the patient more comfortable by applying general anesthesia other than the local.

Who is the Abortion (Pregnancy Termination) performed for in Istanbul, Turkey in 2024?

It can be applied to single women at and over the age of 18 at their own request. On the other hand, for women who are officially married, the consent of the spouse is also required.

Is abortion paid for in Turkey?

Optional termination of the pregnancy is not performed in state hospitals. With the application of the vacuum abortion method, which is a preferred method in the recent period, it is not possible for anything to happen to the patients due to the possibility of the treatment with simple procedures at the same time. Besides, it is possible for people not to encounter legal problems with such procedures carried out within the legal periods.

Does anything happen to me during the Abortion (Pregnancy Termination)?

With the application of the vacuum abortion method, which is a preferred method in the recent period, it is not possible for anything to happen to the patients due to the possibility of the treatment with simple procedures at the same time. Besides, it is possible for people not to encounter legal problems with such procedures carried out within the legal periods.

Does it have any medication?

Although the most reliable method preferred for such treatment methods is the vacuum method, there can be more risky medicated methods other than this method. Apart from such methods, it is known that people generally prefer vacuum methods because they take less time and give better results.

Today, we can state that such methods have come to the fore as the medicated methods do not give very successful results. At the same time, the vacuum method is used in order to eliminate the possible discomfort of the patients after the procedure.

Abortion (Pregnancy Termination) technique with Dr. Burcu in Istanbul, Turkey 2024

Although various surgical methods can be applied, the vacuum method stands out among such methods. It is possible to shorten the treatment time of the patients and at the same time, it is possible to complete the treatment of the patients in a healthier way with the vacuum abortion applications. In general, for such reasons, it is possible for patients to perform successful procedures with the application of such methods.

What are the risks?

If you perform such procedures in a reliable health center, it is possible to minimize the possible risks. Today, with the application of procedures with innovative methods, it is also possible to meet the needs of the people in this regard. Recently, various methods are used to meet such needs.

Which type of anesthesia is applied?

It is possible to terminate the pregnancy with such treatment methods in which the general anesthesia method is applied. At the same time, with the healthy application of such methods, it is possible to make intra-uterine cleaning for pregnancy.

Today, the procedure is provided by applying anesthesia during such periods. It can be possible to obtain more information related to the applications from reliable health centers.

Contact us now for more information and to book an appointment.